Bullet in a Maelstrom

The Largest Rodent


Automobile Internship – 04/04/2013

Today was a mild day at work. Thursday being a half day, I got off early at around 1.oo pm. However, today marked a landmark in my internship experience. It was the first time that I was allowed to do unsupervised work.

A Peugeot 206 required an AC repair and this called for the dashboard to be removed from the car. Fresh from my experience of opening the dashboard of another 206 yesterday, I volunteered to do the job. Sure, I exceeded the 40 minute time limit allowed for preliminary repairs, but I was allowed to go on since it was my first solo experience. I really enjoyed doing it and I leave you now with some pictures from the job.

Friday is an off day for work so I will see you all on Saturday!

The untouched dash.

The untouched dash.

My tools.

My tools.

Work in progress. Detaching the center console.

Work in progress. Detaching the center console.

Without the dashboard and steering wheel.

Without the dashboard and steering wheel.

My handiwork! The detached dashboard is on  the bottom right.

My handiwork! The detached dashboard is on the bottom right.

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Automobile Internship – 04/03/2013

3.2.1. I am back!

My board examinations have ended and I am done with school!

Recently, I have begun an internship at the service center of one of the largest automobile dealership in the UAE, which primarily sells Peugeot cars. However, the service center also operates on most major European cars.

Through this internship, I aim to gain experience in working with vehicles so that I am better prepared for automobile related projects that I plan to undertake in college, such as FSAE and renewable energy related ventures.

Starting today, I have decided to post daily updates of the work I do at the service center. I do all my work under supervision of technicians and mechanics at the facility.

So here goes…


I started at 9.30 this morning with a simple fuel pump replacement on a 2009 Peugeot 206.

Second, we received a Peugeot 508 sedan with a litany of repairs to be performed. My assigned technician, Sixen, and I replaced the leaking water pump and installed a new fuse box as the previous one was smoked.

At a few minutes to 12.00 noon, I went over to another part of the workshop and observed a mechanic perform a rather tedious clutch repair on a bulletproof Peugeot Boxcar. It was fascinating to lift the car and get under the engine. Of course, I wasn’t allowed to physically take part in such a complex operation.

After lunch, I began some real work. Sixen and I opened up the dashboard of a 2008 Peugeot 206 to fish for a parking card lost by the owner inside the dash. It was fascinating to actually put myself to work on such a project and I learnt a lot by way of practice. Sixen made me do most of the work and explained the use of each tool while I did so. After taking out the card, I put the dash back on and left soon after, around 3.30 pm. I took some pictures during the work, and have posted them below.

Hope you enjoyed this first post and stay tuned for daily updates through April and May.

The bare front of the car without the dashboard.

The bare front of the car without the dashboard.

The detached dahboard.

The detached dashboard.

The detached steering wheel.

The detached steering wheel.