Bullet in a Maelstrom

The Largest Rodent


Just Like the Fairy Tales

This photograph here depicts the picturesque Nëushwanstein Castle in Germany. It is said that Walt Disney was inspired by this castle when he was designing animated castles for his movies. Nëushwanstein Castle is truly ‘Just Like the Fairy Tales’.

For more of my photography, visit my Instagram: himanshusahay

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Endless Rows of Horror

This is a photograph I clicked at the Dachau Concentration Camp in Germany. The rooms shown are the ones that housed the political prisoners of the camp and were among the ‘5 star’ rooms of the camp. To me they represent ‘Endless Rows of Horror’.

For more of my photography, visit my Instagram: himanshusahay


The Tombs of Pompeii

The tombs of Pompeii, the Roman city buried by a volcanic eruption in A.D. 79, had a litter problem. Animal bones, charcoal, broken pottery and architectural material, such as bricks, were found piled inside and outside the tombs where the city’s dead were laid to rest.
To explain the presence of so much garbage alongside the dead, archaeologists have theorized that 15 years before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, an earthquake left Pompeii in disrepair. However, archaeological evidence from the last 15 years indicates that the city likely did not fall into ruin after the earthquake in A.D. 62. Rather than flee, citizens appear to have rebuilt; reconstructing public spaces and houses. When the eruption buried the city, new tombs were still being built and the city appeared prosperous.
The residents of Pompeii also appear not to have shared our conventions on burial. As Romans, they were primarily concerned with being remembered after death, so they sought tombs in high-traffic areas. Since Roman law and custom forbade cemeteries inside the city, the tombs ringed the city walls, and clustered at its gates.


Parts of Egypt Around The World

Hello fellow particles. Let’s talk some history today. Boring stuff for most, I know. But did any of you know that the there are more Egyptian artifacts in the British Museum than all of Egypt put together? Continue reading