Bullet in a Maelstrom

The Largest Rodent

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Automobile Internship – 04/17/2013

Another day completed at work! Here’s how it went.

I began with my usual training session with Jishar. At about 11.30 a.m., I went into the workshop and immediately started working on a Peugeot 307. We replaced the starter motor of the vehicle, a part that proved extremely difficult to work on, since it was located behind the main engine compartment in a hollow cavity in the chassis of the vehicle. Soon after, I began work on a Peugeot 207. Here, I first detached the dashboard, then Sixen and I completely overhauled the center console and AC blower system of the vehicle.

The final job was to perform fault diagnosis on a Peugeot 206CC, and to repair its faulty electric windows and sunroof.

I leave you now with a few pictures from the day.

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Performing repairs on the 307.

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The new center console of the 207 is in the foreground with the old, faulty one in the background.

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The DIAGBOX tool runs on this laptop.

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We opened up the door panel of the 206CC to repair the faulty electric windows.

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Well, hello there!

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Automobile Internship – 04/08/2013

Okay it’s been over a week since I joined, but since I started posting late, here’s Day 3.

I started today after a three day break due to the weekend and stop weather. As I entered, Sixen had just brought in a Peugeot 3008 from the yard. We were assigned to repair the turbocharger. What seemed like a simple job (only the dump valve had to be replaced), took over 2 hours as we quickly found out that the turbocharger’s chutes were leaking and the entire thing needed replacing. Fortunately, the car was still under warranty, else it would have cost the owner a pretty penny. So, I replaced the dump valve while Sixen performed the more complex repairs and we were good to go by around 12.00 noon. We then filled out the particulars of the repairs performed on the vehicle’s job card and soon left for our lunch break.

We returned an hour later to find a Peugeot 307 requiring our attention. We quickly repaired the car’s radio and moved on to the other repairs. Soon, we realized that this car required a complete BSI checkup and fault diagnosis. So, I brought the repairs laptop along and off we were. By about 3 pm, we were done. Soon after, my father arrived and I left with him.

Here are a couple of pictures from today.

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The Liebster Award – My First!

Liebster Award

Four months ago, when I started this blog (January 6), if you were to tell me that I was going to win an award for it, I would have laughed it off. Today, that unlikely scenario has been realized. Four months of staying up late on school nights just to write articles has culminated in the gem known as ‘The Liebster Award’.

I would like to thank ThirdPlan8FromTheSun for considering me worthy of this award. I am indebted to him for this generous gesture.

In accepting this award, the recipient agrees to:
-Thank the person who gave the award and link back to their blog.
-Copy and paste the award to your blog.
-Share 5 blogs you have chosen to award and let them know by commenting on their blog.

After thinking long and hard for some time, I have come up with the following nominations for the award:

Rory in South Africa
Finding Subjects
LScott Thoughts
Mullings of Mind Tramp
Lauren Grace Evans

I only wish I could nominate a few more of the wonderful bloggers on the net. But alas, I have to stop at 5! Everyone out there is a great blogger on his/her own terms and it is really the work of a blogger that counts, not the number of awards he/she has won. So cheers to everyone of us who takes out time to use the wonderful tool that WordPress is!